For Families Like the Martys

Remembering Madelyn

"At 38 weeks pregnant my husband & I heard the words no parent should ever hear, three words that will forever play in our minds. “I’m so sorry …..“. We learned at our last appointment before her due date that our baby girl; Madelyn Elizabeth’s little heart stopped beating. June 3, we laid eyes on our baby girl Madelyn Elizabeth; 8 pounds even, 20.5 inch, full head of brown curly hair, and chunky cheeks. We had no idea there was such a foundation as Ryker's Rainbow!

So thankful for Ryker's Rainbow, they helped us in such an unexpected time with a beautiful bereavement box, financial expenses & continued grief support. We will forever be thankful for Ryker's Rainbow!"


For Families Like the Duttons


For Families Like Temia’s