Our Story.
Hi, we are the Schoff family. Hans, Lacey, Ellis Gray, Adler and Ryker, our beloved Heavenly son.
On June 20, 2020, Ryker was born at 37 weeks and entered into Heaven after we learned that his heart had stopped beating. June 20 was the summer solstice and the longest day of light in the entire year. To us, this was not a coincidence. And when we think of Ryker, we think of Light.
We are incredibly proud of our son and the work that he is doing. We cannot even imagine how beautiful Heaven must be with an angel like him in it and we find peace knowing that when Ryker opened his eyes, the first face he saw was that of Jesus.
We welcome you to follow along in our journey, and thank you for supporting the mission of Ryker’s Rainbow.
We had never seen a casket for a child before, and we hope to never see one again. Having to bury your baby and give him back to the Lord does not fall into what one would expect the natural progression of life to be. Each day brings different challenges and triggers; some we are able to push through and others we must take time to sit in the emotions as they arise.
With no timeline or manual for grief, it can be an isolating space, with many not understanding that both grief and joy can coexist. But it is there, in those joyful moments, where we feel Ryker the most.
Our hope lies in the promise of Heaven and that when we get there, a blue-eyed little boy will greet us with the hugs and kisses we so yearn for, and it will be then, that we will fully understand why Ryker was called into eternity before us. Until that day, we pray that we are vessels used to shine the hope of Heaven to and for others.
Grieving Our Son.
Light extinguishes darkness, it illuminates and it reveals. It helps us see things clearly, guides as we travel, promotes life and growth. Light warms and comforts, brings peace and calm. Light can pierce through and dispel any kind of darkness. What starts as a single reflection of light can become a full rainbow. And that beautiful light within rainbows reminds us of God’s grace and His faithfulness. No matter the circumstance, His work continues. #BeTheLight
If you know of a family in need of assistance, please reach out to us HERE.